Introdução - Mineração Usiminas

About us

The company was born out of a joint venture between Usiminas and the Japanese group Sumitomo Corporation in 2010. While at the start of its operations the focus was on meeting the demands of Usiminas itself, today MUSA has established itself as an important ore supplier to both the domestic and international markets.

High quality ore, using innovation and technology, without compromising on safety and respect for the environment. These are some of the main goals of Mineração Usiminas S/A (MUSA).

Corporate Governance

Carlos Héctor Rezzonico
Chief Executive Officer - CEO

Hiroyuki Matsumoto
Development Director

Marcelo Héctor Barreiro
Chief Financial Officer - CFO

Marcelo Chara (President), Fernando Caracoche, Thiago da Fonseca Rodrigues, Gino Ritagliati, Hisahide Kikkawa e Yuji Watanabe.
Shareholder structure

Financial statements

Click here to read MUSA's 2023 Management Report.

Click here to read MUSA's 2023 Management Report.

Click here to read MUSA's 2023 Management Report.

Click here to read MUSA's 2023 Management Report.

The history of “Mineração Usiminas” (MUSA)


Customer Focus



Our main products
Production History
Between 2015 and 2017, the mining sector suffered from the impacts of the economic crisis, which caused a drop in consumption and the price of iron ore. Sales History   Between 2015 and 2017, the mining sector suffered from the impacts of the economic crisis, which caused a drop in consumption and the price of iron ore.

“Mineração Usiminas” presence today

The presence of Mineração Usiminas today
For over a decade, “Mineração Usiminas” MUSA has been working with its partners and the municipality of Itatiaiuçu towards the development of the company and the region. The company is one of the largest employers in the region, which guarantees benefits for the municipality where it is located and also for several other municipalities, such as Itaúna, Mateus Leme and Igarapé. Today, the company employs more than 4,000 people, including its own workforce and outsourced workers, contributing significantly to the economy of the surrounding municipalities. According to IBGE data, Itatiaiuçu's GDP per capita in 2017 was R$87,446.99, almost three times higher than Brazil's GDP per capita, which was R$31,833.50. “Mineração Usiminas” has four mines in operation in the Serra Azul region, in the Iron Quadrangle of Minas Gerais. In addition, we also hold a stake in “MRS Logística”. See where our mines are located:
Location of mines

Work with us

People are one of the main pillars of “Mineração Usiminas”. We consider our more than 4,000 employees, including our own and outsourced staff, to be the company's greatest asset and we are committed to investing in their growth and development. If you are looking for opportunities to develop your potential in a solid company, register your CV on our Recruitment and Selection platform: Your CV will be included in our database, awaiting possible opportunities. If there are any vacancies that match your profile, we will be pleased to contact you.


The communities in the region where “Mineração Usiminas” operates are given ample opportunity to engage in dialog with the company. Frequent meetings are held with the residents living around the company in order to provide them with important information, as well as listening to their questions, criticisms and suggestions. “Mineração Usiminas” is a member of the Serra Azul Mining Association (AMISA). Together with the other companies that are part of the institution, it develops actions aimed at the communities, with a focus on transparency and the sustainable development of the region. Learn more about MUSA's actions and relationship channels with the community:
Encontro com as comunidades

Social Responsibility Projects

The company has carried out dozens of social, cultural and sports projects in the municipalities where it operates through the Usiminas Institute.
Time de suporte

Support Team

A support team has been set up in the self-rescue zone to help residents with disabilities in the event of an emergency situation at the dams.
Conhecendo a mineração

“Mineração Usiminas” Stories

Program of visits by employees' families, communities, organizations and schools in the region to learn about the mining process in an informative and entertaining way.

Fale conosco

Contact Us

Free call on 0800 979 79 70 or contact us by e-mail at faleconosco.mineraçã for questions, complaints and requests.
Fala Aí, comunidade!

Speak Up, Community!

WhatsApp channel for quick and direct communication with communities. Send a WhatsApp to (31) 9.8395-3435.
Fala Aí, comunidade!

Usiminas Volunteers (Vou)

Corporate volunteering program with the participation of employees in actions for the social development of communities.
Fala Aí, comunidade!

Life Plan Mentoring

Volunteers from “Mineração Usiminas” share knowledge and experiences with public school students,  with the aim of contributing to the development and training of these young people for the job market.

Main projects

Dry Stacking Disposal System

In December 2021, “Mineração Usiminas” officially inaugurated the Dry Stacking System in Itatiaiuçu. The new plant allowed the company to end the cycle of using dams to dispose of the tailings generated in the ore processing process.

With investments of around R$ 235 million, the filtering plant is fully connected to the beneficiation process. The amount invested also includes the preparation of the area that receives the tailings, forming a pile, and the transportation of the material between the two points.



In an advanced stage of feasibility studies, the “Compactos” Project seeks to perpetuate the activities and production of mines at the unit, in Itatiaiuçu. The main axis of the project is the exploitation of poorer minerals, diversifying the current extraction model of “Mineração Usiminas”.

Keeping up with the environment

For “Mineração Usiminas”, just as important as offering quality ore is ensuring that our operations are aligned with the best environmental practices. With this focus, MUSA's preservation area is approximately 4.25 times larger than the company's operating area. The water reuse rate at our operations was 92,5%, in 2020.

“Mineração Usiminas” is committed to working towards the sustainable development of Itatiaiuçu and the region, and has developed several projects in this direction.

Some highlights:

Imagem responsiva
Mina D´Água (Water Mine)

Started in March 2021, the “Mina D'Água” project aims to increase protection for the springs, streams and riparian forests of Itatiaiuçu and the region. The initiative consists of mapping and developing a plan to recover native vegetation in Permanent Preservation Areas, isolating the site by fencing it off and planting seedlings of native species.

The company already has 15 springs mapped (in its protected areas) that will be part of the “Mina D'Água” Project. It is also committed to expanding this number by mapping the springs and watercourses on company land in the municipalities of Itatiaiuçu, Mateus Leme, Itaúna, Rio Manso and Brumadinho.

Serra Azul Footprints

Jaguars, maned wolves and ocelots, which live in the vicinity of the unit and have been monitored by “Mineração Usiminas” since October 2020.

The aim is to research, understand the behavior and conserve these animals in their natural habitat, contributing to the preservation of the species.

The initiative is part of the Fauna Monitoring Program, developed by the company since 2012 and which now relies on technology to achieve better results. The use of GPS collars placed on the animals is one of the innovations in this work.

Environmental Education Program (EAP)

“Mineração Usiminas” (Musa) runs the Environmental Education Program (PEA) with actions to raise awareness among the internal and external public, in partnership with the Serra Azul Mining Association (Amisa).

The program consists of campaigns, courses and workshops on various topics related to the role of each person in building a better future for everyone. And through the program, a community garden was created at the company, cultivated with the support of the Environmental Facilitators Group. All the produce is given to the employees.

Commitment to safety and sustainability:

Segurança das barragens

The de-characterization of the Central Dam, made official by the State Environmental Foundation (Feam) in May 2022, meant the end of the upstream dams at “Mineração Usiminas”.

The process to de-characterize the Central Dam began in 2014, when “Mineração Usiminas” started mining the materials deposited in the structure, with reuse from processing at the Flotation Ore Treatment Plant (ITM). Between 2021 and 2022, decommissioning/de-characterization and revegetation works were carried out on the site, which will allow the area to be reintegrated into nature.

O processo para descaracterizar a Barragem Central foi iniciado em 2014, quando a Mineração Usiminas começou a lavra dos materiais depositados na estrutura, com reaproveitamento a partir do beneficiamento na Instalação de Tratamento de Minério (ITM) Flotação. Entre 2021 e 2022 foram realizadas as obras de descomissionamento/descaracterização e revegetação do local, que permitirá à área ser reintegrada à natureza.

The works were performed in an innovative way, according to the strictest technical standards and, at the end, 12,000 seedlings of native species were planted. The project continues with the monitoring of vegetation growth.


ESG targets

With the completion of the de-characterization of the dams, “Mineração Usiminas” is meeting another of its ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) targets. Another structure built using the upstream raising method was “Somisa”, which was de-characterized in January 2021.

Ending the use of dams for tailings disposal was another commitment made by the company, which was fulfilled in December 2021. This was made possible with the inauguration of the filtering plant, Dry Stacking, and the decommissioning of the “Samambaia 0” Dam.

Integrated Control Center

The safety of operations and communities is a top priority for “Mineração Usiminas” and a good example is the complete overhaul of the Integrated Control Center. This cutting-edge technology used by trained staff allows operations to be monitored 24 hours a day.

Modern equipment ensures that technicians can better visualize strategic areas and movements in any structure. Altogether, there are 42 monitors and three panels, which show all the processes at “Mineração Usiminas” in real time.

Centro de Controle Integrado

External simulation

In 2022, “Mineração Usiminas”, in partnership with the other companies that make up the Serra Azul Mining Association (AMISA), carried out the II External Dam Emergency Simulation. The initiative involved residents of Samambaia, Curtume, Quintas do Itatiaia, Pinheiros, Lagoa das Flores, Retiro Colonial, Capoeira de Dentro and Vieiras, with great support from the population, public authorities and safety agents. The exercise followed the United Nations (UN) Alerting and Preparing Communities for Local Emergencies (APELL) procedure with strict regulations for execution and simulated the hypothetical situation of seven dams triggering emergency level 3 at the same time. The external simulation is part of the Emergency Action Plan for Mining Dams (PAEBM). Simulado externo Simulado externo

Access to information

Comunidades bem informadas

In order to keep communities well-informed about dam safety, various activities are carried out throughout the year. For example, the Orientation Seminars/Public Meetings, in partnership with the other members of the Serra Azul Mining Association (Amisa). These are ongoing actions and it is very important for the residents of all the localities involved to take part. Through the periodic meetings, they receive updates on the programs developed with a focus on safety and the measures that should be adopted in the event of an emergency.

Learn more about all of the dams of “Mineração Usiminas”:

In May 2022, MUSA received a certificate from the State Environmental Foundation (Feam) for the de-characterization of the, until then, Central Dam. The tailings disposal structure was the last one built upstream by the company.

The works were executed in an innovative way, to the strictest technical standards. The revegetation will allow the area to return to its original form, i.e. it will be reintegrated into nature as it was before. Twelve thousand seedlings of native species have already been planted on the site, now known as Central Park, and work continues to monitor their growth.

The old “Somisa” Dam, built using the same raising method, was officially decommissioned in January 2021 

The de-characterization of the upstream dams represents yet another commitment by “Mineração Usiminas” to the safety and sustainability of its operations!

Ending the use of dams

“Mineração Usiminas” has ended the cycle of using dams for the disposal of tailings generated during iron ore processing. The last structure in operation was “Samambaia 0” - built downstream - which was decommissioned in December 2021.