Here are some reasons to join our team and get your career up to date with the future. Keeping up with the future means investing in our professionals.


Here are some reasons to join our team and get your career up to date with the future.

Diversity and Inclusion Program

We understand the value of a diverse team for the company. We want a Usiminas where everyone can be who they really are. That’s why we have the Diversity and Inclusion Program, which operates on five pillars and develops actions to make the Usiminas increasingly inclusive.

  • Generations
  • Gender equity
  • Race and ethnicity
  • People with disabilities

Corporate University

Usiminas Corporate University brings education with focus on the future, through quick and easy learning, and placing the employee as the protagonist of their development. It is present in all the business units, with more than 2,000 internal instructors and a lot of knowledge to share. There are five business schools, which generate learning on different fronts, technical and behavioral training.

  • Business School
  • School of Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  • School of Leadership
  • Steel School
  • Usiminas Culture School


We believe that health and well-being are essential conditions for the daily lives of every employee at Usiminas companies. Since people are one of our Values, we seek to provide each of those who look after Usiminas’ present and future with benefits that contribute to their quality of life both inside and outside the company. Here are some of the benefits offered to our team:

  • UsiSaúde Healthcare Plan
  • UsiSaúde Dental Plan
  • Usiminas Pension Plan
  • Advantage Club
  • Profit Sharing Program
  • Life Insurance
  • Wellhub


We always strive to be up to date with sustainability. This means growing together with our people: our employees, shareholders, investors and the communities where we operate. Always contributing to building a fairer, more equal society and a sustainable future.

Sustainability has always been part of our strategy and we have sought to make increasing progress in actions related to this issue, networking and partnerships. We are members of the UN Global Compact, which provides for commitment to issues such as: Development of initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; Support for freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; Contribution to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor and child labor; Elimination of discrimination in the workplace, among others.

Sustainable action guides our actions at Usiminas. We are committed to the ESG agenda (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance), developing initiatives related to environmental, social and governance issues.

To learn more about our activities, click here.